Proper dental hygiene is important for anyone that wants to avoid dental problems in the future. Unfortunately, several common dental care myths impact the way people care for their teeth. While good oral health can be achieved by following some simple rules, the wrong practices can cause irreversible damage to both your teeth and gums.

You Don’t Need to Visit the Dentist Unless Something is Wrong

One of the most common myths about dental care, many people believe they don’t have to visit the dentist unless something hurts or is visibly wrong with their teeth. Regular dental check-ups help avoid problems in the first place, saving you time and money in the future. With regular dental visits, your dentist can catch problems sooner when they are easier to treat. This could mean the difference between a simple procedure and a more invasive, costly one. It also helps avoid the pain and discomfort associated with tooth infections and other dental problems.

You Don’t Need to Worry About Baby Teeth

Many people believe you don’t need to worry about baby teeth because they will eventually fall out. While it’s true that baby teeth do fall out, these important teeth make sure there’s enough space in the mouth when adult teeth grow in. If neglected, baby teeth can get cavities and fall out sooner than they should. This can cause the remaining teeth to shift, limiting the amount of room for adult teeth. Although a dentist can put a space maintainer in place, nothing works as well as the real thing. If a child doesn’t learn to properly care for their baby teeth, they most likely won’t care for their adult teeth either. This can lead to painful and expensive dental procedures later on.

Flossing Creates Spaces Between the Teeth

Flossing does not cause spaces to form between the teeth. Flossing helps remove food and bacteria trapped between the teeth. This helps protect the gums and prevent cavities from forming.Some people experience bleeding gums when flossing. This typically subsides after a few weeks. If the bleeding continues, it’s a good idea to visit your dentist as this could indicate gum disease. Occasionally, tartar builds up behind and between the teeth, making flossing difficult. Your dentist can remove the tartar, making flossing easier and helping you locate dental problems hidden underneath the buildup.

Drinking Diet Sodas Won’t Hurt Your Teeth

Although diet sodas don’t have sugar, they are highly acidic. Each time you take a sip, the acid in diet soda works with the bacteria in your mouth to eat away at your tooth enamel. This causes tooth sensitivity and increases the chance of cavities and tooth decay. It takes your mouth a full twenty minutes to neutralize the acid in your mouth. Unfortunately, many people sip diet soda throughout the day. This never gives your mouth a chance to get the acid under control.

Teeth Become Unhealthy As You Age

Growing older does not cause unhealthy teeth. Tooth decay and dental problems can occur at any age. In fact, many young people have very severe dental problems. The only way to maintain healthy teeth is to brush, floss, and visit a dentist at least twice a year. Individuals that maintain good oral habits throughout childhood and their adult years will have healthy teeth later in life.

Dental Health Doesn’t Affect the Rest of Your Body

Numerous studies have found a link between oral health and systemic health. Poor dental health and tooth decay can cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream, causing other health problems. Periodontal disease has been linked to serious health problems including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and more.

It Doesn’t Matter What Time of Day You Brush

Although it’s important to brush twice a day, the time of day you brush can impact your oral health. At night while we sleep our mouths produce less saliva. This creates the perfect environment for bacteria to grow. Brushing before bed helps remove food particles and bacteria from the mouth, before they affect your dental health. Brushing in the morning fights morning breath and helps remove any additional bacteria that has grown overnight.

It Doesn’t Matter What You Use to Brush Your Teeth

Many people believe it doesn’t matter what type of product they use to clean their teeth. Unfortunately, most toothpastes available today contain strong abrasives. While abrasives might work well when cleaning your pots and pans, they don’t help your teeth very much. Abrasives in toothpastes wear away at tooth enamel, making teeth sensitive and increasing the chance of dental problems. Also, traditional toothpaste does not properly remove plaque. This can lead to tartar buildup on the teeth and around the gums. Non-abrasive LIVFRESH dental gel removes plaque 250% better than traditional toothpaste. This revolutionary product is safer, gentler, and more effective than the leading brand of toothpaste. Created from natural ingredients, LIVFRESH dental gel can be used by children, adults, and seniors.